Refunded them and they've issued a chargeback too? Has the customer asked for a room to be added but hasn't paid the additional fee? Let Scott & Mears deal with it.
Collecting unpaid balances can be a major headache for travel agents. While open communication is always preferred, sometimes clients fall behind on payments. This is where a reputable debt collection agency becomes a valuable ally.

Why should you seek help from debt recovery agents?
- Travel agents deal with clients who may be scattered geographically, making in-person collection impractical. Debt collection agencies are equipped to handle distance and navigate different communication styles.
- A professional agency prioritises recovering the funds while maintaining a positive brand image for the travel agent. They use effective communication to reach out to clients and negotitate settlements and payment plans, if necessary.
- Chasing unpaid balances takes time away from booking new clients and managing existing trips. Debt collection agenies handle the entire process, saving travel agents valuable time and resources.
Let Scott & Mears handle the chase, while you focus on creating amazing travel memories for your clients.
